Saturday, June 19, 2021

Please Continue Prayers for Friend's Son

Back on June 1 (see here) and again on June 10 (see here), we asked for prayers for a friend's son who was in ICU with heart issues.

This young man, in his 40s, is still in bad shape. There have been several tests and possibilities examined and he is battling both heart and lung issues. He is now in a different hospital and we are hoping that a second look at his issues, from a different set of eyes, might yet help with diagnosis and hope for treatments that will help him. Details change constantly so please also pray for clarification of his status. His family and loved ones are beside themselves, in a whirlpool of mixed emotions, not sure what is going on.

Therefore, we ask for prayers to continue.

Sweet Lord Jesus, this is a complicated situation and doesn't seem to be anywhere near being resolved, nowhere near an answer. Please look gently and compassionately upon this man and those who love him, and guide this current medical team to at least be able to provide real answers to his status. Jesus, we trust in you!

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