Thursday, June 10, 2021

Update on Friend's Son with Heart Issues

My friend's son is now scheduled for open heart surgery for this coming Monday, for insertion of stents. We began these prayers back on June 1, when I first posted, here.

As she explained: "He is being tested now for several things to see if his heart and lungs are healthy enough. Three of his arteries are 100% blocked. They told him he has a 20% chance of surviving the operation. But they are still testing so that may change." He isn't even 50 years old, but his family has heart trouble history.

Prayers needed to continue, big time.

Sweet Lord Jesus, we are worried about this man. Please continue to watch over him and the medical team in charge. Comfort his loved ones and bless all those who have been praying for him, for someone they don't even know. We trust in you.

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