Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Only Thing I Can Grow - Silkie's Cat Grass Buffet

Back east, I knew the climate I lived in for my first 40 years and I could grow so many things, both floral and edible. Then I moved out west and my green thumb turned brown. But I have found that I am VERY good at growing Silkie's grass buffet.

A week ago, I noticed that the six pots I have out on my back drive area for her have all dried to almost hay-texture. She always loves moving from pot to pot and even though it is the same seed mix in every pot, she thinks they are all different.

I grabbed six cottage cheese containers, poked 3 drainage holes in their bottoms, and scooped some soil, from a sack outside, into each container, and plopped seeds in them. I watered them and put them at the bottom of the back stairs under a bench. They are now really nicely sprouted...

This morning, I gave my legs and flat feet a workout, out back. I dumped the old pots and took the innards out of the new ones and put them into the sturdy ones for Silkie.

I tried to get her out there but she hasn't seen fit to explore them yet. Yesterday morning she was out there nibbling the "hay." Hopefully, tomorrow morning she will go out and enjoy her fresh sprouts.

The pix show her special "buffet."

Rolling along...

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