Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Our May Charity Crafting Distribution!

We were so happy to have a chance for my long-time member, Louise, to get to the VA center and pass along our lap covers for the veterans in the facility. We make these lap covers about 36x48, long enough to cover lap and legs but not drag on floor when in wheelchairs, and ditto the width, wide enough to cover most laps but not wide enough to tangle in wheels.

These take a while to make and only 2 of us make them, but we were still happy to give them 13 this time.

I take the big white 13-gallon bags out of my back closet, Louise comes over, and they take the bags from me and make the actual trip to the center. Usually it's her husband tossing them into the car but he was waiting for a defibrillator implant surgery so his son came with her for the loading.

We really love passing these to them.

Rolling along...

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