Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Finally, a Ray of Hope For My Friend's Son

We've all been praying since June 1 for him (see here). Briefly, he went into ICU on the 1st, and it is now 3 weeks later and he has been in hospitals the whole time. A few days ago, he switched hospitals. Along the way, they first thought stents would work. Then they found that 3 arteries were blocked. He also had lung problems. A few days ago, he was told nothing much else could be done, and a lifevest was discussed.

Today, his mother visited, and what she learned has given us all a glimmer of hope. Until now, the latest was that his heart was functioning at only 10% so they could not safely do any open heart surgery.

Now here's the glimmer of hope. 

IF he quits smoking, and IF he goes home and takes his heart meds properly, and takes the Lasix for his lungs, and wears the lifevest and makes his peace with it, and does these things, then hopefully he will eventually improve. They feel if he gets back to 35% heart functioning, they can chance the surgery. We don't know if he will be on O2 when he goes home but it would seem he'd need to be. I can't remember is she said the goal was 3 mos or it was 6 mos.

So, all things considered, this is the first ray of hope in the past two weeks or so. Thank you all for your ongoing prayers and we hope that you will continue them.

Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you for this moment of hope. Please keep your eye on him, and on his medical team, and help him to follow instructions and help him to make peace with his restrictions. Jesus, we trust in you!

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