Thursday, July 1, 2021

Update, Medically and Otherwise

Ok. Tuesday, my Radiology consult sent me for a CAT scan this morning. It's a "simulation." They took photos they will send to the radiology Dr. who will use them to decide which angle to take for my radiation treatments. The radiologist wants to start my 3 or 4 weeks of treatments early next week, he hopes on Wednesday. I will be going every weekday, Mon. through Fri., during that time. I will drive there and back - no biggie - barely a 10 mi. round trip.

The treatments will be costly and I had to sign papers but they gave me a phone number for their social worker who will help me work out a payment arrangement.

Meanwhile, the first two weeks should not be bad, just inconvenient running out every day and back. By the end of the two weeks, the "sunburn" effect will kick in and that will be sticky and sore and they will show me how to apply ointment and Telfa pads. That will last about two weeks after I stop the treatments.

When those treatments are done, my oncologist will start the hormone blocker pills and we hope to get a PET scan to see if it has spread.

When I got home, I did make coffee for 4 days, mixed a batch of powdered milk for the fridge, crocheted the rest of my July 4th "treat bag" tuck-ins, brought my trash cans in from the curb, paid the telephone bill over the phone, did my quarterly over-the-counter order per my insurance freebie, and changed the calendar in the kitchen.

On the July calendar page, I immediately noticed my car's "starter" battery is 3 years old this weekend. In this area, that's all they last. It's always possible it would hold out over the summer but I can't take the chance of having it die during one of my trips for radiation treatments over this month, so I called my guy and had him order one and I'll go there on Saturday morning and have them swap it out. Better to be a month or two early than get stuck in 115 heat waiting for a tow, or a friend or whatever, or worse, miss a radiation treatment...

Rolling along...

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