Friday, June 18, 2021

Updating You All On My Medical Situation

Thank you all for those prayers. Not out of the woods by any means but things are moving along.

Had my 2nd oncology visit today, and here's what he is setting up for me...

Radiation - He said radiation will take 3-4 wks, 5 days a week, Mon thru Fri, and they should be calling me to schedule within 2 weeks

PET scan - We are waiting for scheduling of the PET scan which will help determine if I need hormone blockers

Cancerous lymph node - He sent that out for re-test to see if chemo will work on that; results are not back yet

So I am on hold until Radiology calls me and the PET scan people call me and the tissue results come back. I will keep busy over the next 2 weeks with things in here to make sure I am comfy during treatments.

For me, the iffy part is that tissue re-test result and PET scan result... I can't consider myself out of the woods until those come through. It all depends on those results...
but at least things are moving along.

Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you for this oncologist and all that he has set in motion, dotting his i's and crossing his t's, getting all the data he needs to help me make it through this medical mess. I trust him and I thank you for getting me to someone I consider to be the right person at the right time. Please bless all those who have sent up prayers on my behalf and bless them abundantly. I trust in you!

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