Sunday, August 8, 2021

Radiation Burns, Update - Amazing!

I've hesitated saying anything before this because I was afraid to believe it.

According to all the reminders from both the radiologist and his staff, I was expecting a major radiation burn, like a weeping sunburn effect, under my left arm alongside the breast, where the double lumpectomy surgery was done end of April. In addition, folks in the waiting room during all my 16 radiation treatments also talked of their issues. So I loaded up on gauze pads, Telfa pads, both healing ointments and triple antibiotics because the team said I would need them.

They said it would start during my 2nd week of the 3 week routine, and that it would last until mid-August, about 4 weeks or more.

Instead, it happened under the breast, in the crease where it joins the skin, from one side under the armpit, to the other side, the middle of the chest. At its worst, it was raw, sore, but not weeping. The skin did not break! In addition, it didn't even begin until the day AFTER my final treatment, which was 3 weeks into the routine and that made me think it might therefore be an issue until the end of this month because of the late start.

Wonder of wonders, it began the 29th, the day after final treatment, and it is now only 8/8, which is only 10 days later, and it is almost all gone! There is still a pencil-thin line of angry red irritation in the crease, but that is so mild compared a few of the worst days.

I don't know why I was blessed with this gentle a side effect, but I am very very grateful to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin.

The team DID say that a lot depended on each patient's skin and many other factors, but they are all surprised as well.

Yes, it was really sore for a few days, but 10 days, compared to 4 weeks - now that is the Lord's work!

Thank you, Sweet Lord Jesus, and all the rest of you, and for the prayers of all my friends, for your compassion with this healing. Now, of course, I am still awaiting the outcome of that positive lymph node and other tests which have yet to be done, to determine if it spread elsewhere in my bod and if so, how much. As always, I leave my cares in your hands. Jesus, I trust in you!

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