Monday, August 16, 2021

Prayers, Please, For Yet Another Family Very Ill With Covid?

A friend just asked me to pray for her brother-in-law and his daughter who are very sick with Covid. Also. her sister and most of her sister's family have contracted, it, too.

They were all vaccinated but are older so even milder cases can be bad for folks with other health issues. Her sister just had surgery in another state which is where they diagnosed that case, unrelated to the Covid.

My friend just lost a very close sister recently and she is very very worried about this new concern.

Sweet Lord Jesus, our healer, who healed even by the touch of his garment hem, please look kindly and compassionately on this close-knit and faith-filled family. Send whatever help they need both with medical teams, peace of mind, and the grace to get through this. Jesus, we trust in you!

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