Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Quick Little Coasters - an Easy "Thank You"

It's been a really long time since I've used this old favorite coaster pattern. Found it online back in 2013 and I have made tons of these since then. Even sold a few on my Etsy store back in the day. They are called "10 Minute Coasters" and guess what? They really ARE!

Anyhow, today was my last of 16 straight weekday visits for radiation for the left breast and that's a significant length of time with the same team, day after day after day. I wanted a way to thank them and made 14 of these yesterday in various colors.

I had planned to use a "star" coaster pattern but waited too long to start them, so yesterday I whipped them all out that afternoon. I gave half of them to the front office team and my radiologist and his nurse, and the other half to the actual technicians and back room team who aimed that monster zapping machine at me each time.

They are a really great bunch, compassionate, friendly, sympathetic but very skilled and efficient. Made me happy to do something, even if such a small gesture, to thank them.

I had forgotten how fun and easy these are to make...

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