Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Medical Update -

Silkie thinks I've been working a part-time morning job for these 16 weekdays of treatments. I'm sure she does since I leave the house about 9:45 each morning and am home by 11.

The sessions themselves are only 10 minutes long. It's the prep and trip, etc., that takes up the time; the "getting into street clothes," driving, parking, walking from the parking lot to the front door, checking in at the desk, and trying to relax a few minutes before they call my name. Then everything in reverse. Since at 81, I no longer "sprint," the walk from lot to door and back takes longer than the drive and session combined...

And now the fun begins. We start lots of testing and checking to see if that positive lymph node they found indicates it has spread inside my bod. Tomorrow I go for a Dexascan.

So, when I got home today, I spent 2-1/2 hours on phone calls making appointments that had to wait until my last day of treatments. You know how those calls go - the menu options, I get distracted a moment then have to listen to them again.

Anyhow, I called my oncologist who wanted me to see him about 2 weeks after the final radiation treatment. I scheduled him and they are checking on where I go for a blood draw which will be sent to a genomic lab for testing. I called my PCP for updated referrals to the eye care center and for my lumpectomy surgeon, and for an appointment with the PCP as well. After the referrals were done, I called the eye care center for an updated referral to the Dr. who does my bi-monthly eye injections, and also made my obligatory annual appointment with that center. Then I called the lumpectomy surgeon for a follow up with her since she wanted to do that a month after my final radiation treatment.

I was afraid these would all bunch up but so far, it's one a week...

We're still waiting for the scheduling for the PET scan and one other one.

So, we're rolling along... 

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