Saturday, June 12, 2021

Busy Day But It Had to be Done

Well, I finally did it. I defrosted my old but faithful upright freezer. My bro and I promised ourselves the last time we each did our own, that we would never again go more than a year to do it. He lives a few hundred miles from me in another state.

Well, the last time I did mine was November of 2017. And he is on about the same schedule. You'd think by the time I hit 81 and he hit 77, we'd have learned our lesson. Apparently not.

So it was a long task but it is done. I started get things together this morning around 9:15 and began the actually work at 9:30. I had pulled in 2 coolers from my shed a few days ago but when I began transferring stuff from the freezer to them, I realized I needed another one! Thankfully, one of my friends here had one I was able to borrow and she sent her son over with it.

The rest of the time, basically from 9:30 to 3, was constant walking, bending, wiping, chipping, and carrying a bucket to dump every so often.

These days, I place those foil throwaway roasting pans on each shelf to catch the ice and drips, but they do need to be emptied quite often along the way. The freezer is in a pantry and the bucket gets dumped in the bathroom and pots of hot water are brought back and forth from the kitchen.

By the time it came to 2, I was beat. My legs and knees really hurt, my poor old feet with their own issues were complaining and I wasn't sure how much stamina I had left. Prayers for sure at that point, that I could finish this in a decent manner and soon. By 2:30, I was amazed to find I was basically in clean up and re-stock time.

I surely do hope I remember next year to do it about the same time as now. It would be a whole lot quicker and easier. But then, do I always listen to that little voice inside me? Apparently not (sigh)...

Rolling along...

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