Friday, January 31, 2020

Wonky Left Eye Today

Even though I've long expected some changes in my eyes once they were found to have macular degeneration last year, I was still a tad surprised this morning. I've got the dry type in the left eye and the wet type in the right one. Until now, I've been blessed with very little, if any, noticeable changes in the left one. Just the same gray blur in the center, and that has been very very small at that. Until now, no distortion or wavy lines, no floaters, and so on.

This morning, at the computer, around 6, was when I noticed distortion/wavy lines at the bottom of my vision. I can see just fine in general, but I can see where reading will be a little tricky as we move along with this.

My retina guy did suggest eye vitamins, Focus Select AREDS, a few months ago but I didn't get to picking them up. Doctors really need to make it clear to this gal whether it's just a suggestion or an "or else" suggestion. Guess I'd better get some over the next few days and begin them. He said they would slow the progression. I had looked at the ingredients online and said that I already get more than the average person these days of those vitamins/minerals because I eat salmon and tuna a few times a week, carrots several times a week one way or another, and other omega 3 and vitamin A foods. Then at our last visit, two weeks ago, he asked if I was taking them, I explained why not, and he patiently but firmly explained that I would have to eat a ton more of those foods to get the equivalent of what was in on gel cap. Ok. Point made.

But life kept getting in the way and I kept putting it aside. So now, gracious and patient Father in heaven, you've tapped this slow-witted chick on the shoulder and got my attention.

The brand he wants me to get is not the same as Preservision which both Walmart and Walgreens carry. So I'll drive over to the retina guy's office on Monday or Tuesday and get them there. I can get 4 mos. worth for under $50 and begin to be a good girl.

Sweet Lord Jesus, please help me to work this in a timely manner. I know the Father wants me to do this and I've been a little slow to follow the advice. Please ask the Father to be patient with me and allow for my slow-witted human nature. I'll get them very early next week, I promise. Help me to do so, and help me to keep this condition at the low level it is at for a long while to come. Jesus, I trust in you.

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