Sunday, July 7, 2019

The July 4th Local Treat Bags

I've grown addicted to passing out little gift bags to about a dozen or so folks in my senior mobile home community for holidays over the past few years. They usually contain a handmade item (either crochet, or bookmark, or both), a food item, and some printed downloaded puzzle pages.

I've been sidetracked this year, though. I just looked back and I totally missed New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, and Easter. So it was time.

I began last week on the handmade items. I decided to try a red/white/blue patriotic 8" dishcloth for each one. I skipped the bookmark - not enough time. I found and downloaded 3 patriotic-themed puzzle pages: crossword, word search and maze; and I gathered a list of 10 facts about the holiday. For the food, I naturally wanted red, white and blue, so I made little paper muffin cups with the following in them: 6 cherries, 6 white cheddar cubes, and a handful of blueberries. Pix are posted here.

The dishcloths came out pretty well. I had fun watching them develop. Made 14 of them.

Bags went to park Staff, our former newsletter delivery team, and a sprinkling of long-time friends in here. Over the past year, one on my usual list passed away, and one is out of town.

But I am happy to be back on track. One gal said she felt that the dishcloth would look great on her table under a vase of red, white and blue carnations - hmmmm.

The flat tire last Monday messed up my timing. I lost hours of work on the dishcloths, so I ended up doing a few each day. I gave the park Staff theirs on Wed. morning because they would be closed on the 4th, but I enjoy driving around early on the holiday morning dropping off the rest.
Rolling along...

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