Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Planning a Lazy Day at The Office

I have never watched the TV series, The Office. Today, on my antenna tv setup, I plan to watch a marathon run of some of those shows on COZI. They begin at 7 a.m. and the last one is 8:30 p.m., so all day, for sure. I'm not even sure I'll like this one but it's a chance to give it a try.

Other than that, my plan for this first day of the new year is to veg out - I will do very little except to watch tv, eat happy foods, and crochet to my heart's content.

I might mix up a batch of dry milk, and/or cut, dice, core about 5 lbs apples. If I do get to the apples, I will likely toss them into the crock pot to cook them down and plop into containers to use some and to freeze some.

Happy New Year, everyone!  Rolling along!

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