Saturday, August 25, 2018

Newsletters, Pears and Exercise, Oh My

This was my monthly newsletter week. This morning I delivered to 60 of our homes. I did give in and take 2 generic Tylenol an hour before I left, That "hitch in my get-along" (mentioned here at this link) has been bugging me since around the 15th. I suspect I did "bends from the waist" instead of sort of "semi-squats" for some regular tasks (litter changes, scooping, other things). It is almost gone but this morning I needed to do some real walking.

Anyhow, those little pills did help. I was grateful because what usually takes me only 45 minutes took me 2 hours - I kept running into neighbors who wanted to chat (sigh). I love them but when I'm walking/delivering, I need to keep moving and keep a certain pace or else it is work and not an enjoyable voluntary commitment.

That done, I needed a quick shower/rinse because even though we are now down to the low 100s daytime and high 70s overnight, even at 6:30/7 a.m., it was muggy. Took a wee break for an hour.
After the little pills wore off, I did not feel bad. I suspect they enabled me to walk better, even with my quad cane, and helped with that muscle pull. I had stopped my recumbent exercise bike about a week ago because that pull coupled with the bike made it worse. After I finish these 2 days' deliveries, I figure I'll have walked off that pull and can go back onto the daily bike exercise. I can't wait. I enjoyed that.

I just finished dicing a lot of pears and tossed 2 four-cup containers into the fridge for cereal and fruit salads and such. After a quick lunch, I'll dice some apples and nuke them and toss them in, also.
If I feel okay later, I will need to change the litter today, tomorrow latest. Other than that, I think I'll relax at that point and just have fun crocheting some charity projects today.

Rolling along...

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