Saturday, June 30, 2018

Looking at June a Year Ago

I was thinking today that it would be enlightening for me to look back at the previous year every few months, and I’m beginning with tonight, the end of this June.

I noticed right off that June 1, 2017, a month or two after my full re-pipe job, the pipes burst while I was doing laundry. That was followed by a few days of no water in the house and some water rationing. After that was fixed early in that month, there have been no further issues with that re-pipe job.

I was still in the midst of re-paying the loan for my roof but closing in on the finish which was going to be that Fall. So, there was light at the end of the tunnel.

This was the month they did my brother’s first cancer biopsies and we were very worried at that time. Since then, his prostate cancer is known to be very slow growing and the kidney cancer disappeared with the generous-sized biopsy, so that issue diminished a bit.

And I had an appointment with my primary care doc that month which resulted in referral to the dermatologist. Down the line, that issue was resolved with the basal cell skin cancer surgery.

What I noticed was that every issue that month, difficult or worrisome as it was at that time, all were resolved by this moment, now. Except for the slow growing cancer for my brother.

You know, it really helps to see how things eventually worked out.

Rolling along...

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