Saturday, June 30, 2018

Update on Prayer Requests

Thank you all, each of you, always, for the prayers you compassionately offer up for folks you do not even know. You are truly Prayer Angels. We don’t always see, or hear about, the results of our prayers so when I can pass some things along, I love to do so.

A few days ago, we were asked to pray for a friend’s husband (skin graft from thigh to foot surgery site), and his two brothers (in ICU, one for pneumonia and one for a stroke). Here’s the latest on those...

My friend’s husband had the graft and will be on pain meds for a while; Meanwhile, because he is diabetic, ongoing prayers for clean and complete healing would be greatly appreciated. His one brother, with the stroke, is home but with some facial paralysis. Sometimes therapy can help and sometimes not, in those cases. The other brother, with pneumonia, is out of ICU which is an encouraging note. Both brothers also need ongoing prayers.

Dental situation: I have an appointment for the 5th, for adjustments. I am still having some strong tenderness up in one high corner of my mouth. I will try to chew on the other side or eat just a little more carefully for another week. Tenderness is okay but I don’t want it to become a real sore. Other than that, the lowers are okay until the adjustment so long as I use a dental cushion. I even ate some peanuts today and some other things that I haven’t eaten in almost two years. Thanks for those prayers...

Sweet Lord Jesus, folks who take a moment out of their own hectic and often troubled lives to pray for others are special people. Please keep their requests in your heart and continue the healing. And please bless, abundantly, each of those who have taken a moment to pray. Your compassion, mercy and generosity knows no bounds. We trust in you.

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