Friday, June 8, 2018

Busy Few Weeks Ahead

I’m spending time this weekend getting all my ducks in a row. Tomorrow, I’ll head out early for some cat food and a few small items. But when I come home, I’ll tackle my upcoming schedule while I watch the Belmont Stakes. I hope to finish a few baby jackets I began and never finished, too.

Sunday morning, early, I’ll head out for some lab work for my primary care guy.

Tuesday is our local Primary Election Day.

Wednesday is my Podiatrist. I no longer can bend safely for clipping nails.

Saturday is one of the major food pantries.

Next week, I see my Primary Care Physician. We haven’t  done that since the day he referred me for the first tests that showed the need for the lumpectomy.

Next week, also, I have two other food pantries.

There are small things in there, along the way and I’ve got scattered notes. Tomorrow is for gathering everything onto one calendar sheet so I do not lose track of anything.

Next month, I see the Dermatologist. I suspect this will be annual now that they found and removed that basal cell cancer. I also go for a follow-up mammogram and ultrasound. I’ll also see my oncologist that month. Not sure about the lumpectomy surgeon - I don’t think we booked that one yet.

So, life continues to move along. Moving along is fine. What’s difficult is when we are pushed along by sudden circumstances. I hope everyone’s life takes a bit of a relaxed turn for a while. We can always use a week or two to recharge.

Rolling along.

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