Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wild Weekend Ahead with Yard Sale

I don’t want that title to mislead you. The weekend, our Spring park wide yard sale, is always hectic, hunting and gathering “stuff” to put out, struggling to get it all together, lifting, toting, up and down steps, bending, whatever - that’s normal for this weekend.

But our weather is expected to be wild tonight and all day tomorrow. We are expecting some strong wind gusts, 50 mph, and possibly, on the outskirts of town, up to 70 mph. This means I must be careful taking things out to the back drive area to stack them tomorrow so I can begin the sale on Friday morning bright and early.

Knowing that, instead of lugging my 4 folding tables from the shed on Thursday, I did it today before Noon, and found a spot to tuck them so they won’t go blowing through our senior mobile home park and decapitate someone...

I’ve got a busy day tomorrow putting everything near the back door, then lugging it out and stacking it safely and secure against the winds. But once it’s set up Friday morning, I have no choice but to just sit for hours each day. It’s sort of a relief and a treat to be forced to sit at times - I’ll grab a crochet project, one that won’t drag on the ground outside and which is easy to pick up and put down when buyers pull up to shop.

Mostly, though, I’m concerned about the other folks in here tonight and tomorrow. I’m hoping the power stays on and I’m hoping there is no damage to anyone property in here.

It’s beginning to kick up out there - I can hear it. The cat can hear it and she hates that. But life is life; weather is weather; and we deal with it, no matter where we live. It is what it is.
Rolling along...

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