Wednesday, April 11, 2018

About the Past Few Weeks

It’s been a crazy few weeks of late. Somehow, with the Lord’s help, and often the help of others, I’ve come through a few unexpected situations at the end of last year. The consequences of those situations carried through into this year with paperwork, medical follow ups, and so forth.

Somehow, along the line, I have grown lax and lazy in my posts. Back when I began these, in 2009 (where DID that time go?), I posted every night. Of late, I’m lucky to get in one post every week or two.

My main reason for the posts was to remind myself each night of how the day went and to share that with others so that we each realized we are not along in our earthly concerns.

So, briefly, I must take a moment to thank him for bringing me through all of this, for sending strength when I needed it, and more.

Father, you know that just because I do not post, it does not mean I have not come to you often each day in prayer. Sometimes the prayer is of thanks for holding me together while I waited to see how your plans work out for me. Sometimes the prayer is for someone I know and love and about whom I am worried. Sometimes it is a prayer for help for myself. The thing is - you are always there when I need to talk - and when I need forgiveness - and when I need help and strength. You always have my back. I am forever grateful for that.

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