Friday, February 23, 2018

Medical Update - Thank you, Lord!

This morning I saw my new oncologist; the first one was not a good match. He gave me no stats, no real feedback to go on.

I love this new doctor; she listened to my take on the post-surgery treatments and then explained each option as it applied to my case. And it’s not that I like her because she is a female. For decades I never went to a female doctor, having grown up with mostly males in that profession.

Anyhow, she showed me the DNA Risk Factor results and we discussed it all, including percentages of possibility of recurrence. She absolutely saw no reason for chemo or radiation. However, she talked me into the lowest level hormone therapy med and will see me in a month to see how it goes. 

This reduces chance of recurrence to about 2% in 5 years. She said that the risk of the side effects they tell you about (phlebitis, yeast infections, total body aches in muscles and joints, etc.) are about 3 out of 1000 - I’ll give it a try...I see her again in a month.

I'm still very nervous about the possibilities of phlebitis because you can't see that coming, and the possible yeast infections but she says that these days, that is not as common as it once was with this. Walmart called and the Rx is only $3.55 so at least it's not costly.

Meanwhile, I am very humbled in the ways the Lord has blessed me these past few months on the health issues. I know some might not think breast cancer and basal cell cancer (both surgeries in the same month) are blessings, but the way these progressed and the level of treatment and the teams involved - well, it moved and it got done and yes, I am blessed.

Sweet Lord Jesus, you have been there for me all along, guiding, healing, and supporting me. Thank you so much for this. Please bless everyone in the medical crews along the way for their dedication, and bless all those who prayed. And please, for my friends and loved ones suffering still unresolved medical issues, all we ask is a glance in their direction and a healing and supportive moment of compassion, to get them through each of their individual medical issues. We trust in you.

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