Friday, February 23, 2018

About My Poor Old Car...Good News!

You’ve all known about my 2001 car and its condition and so on and you all understood that I didn't have the wherewithal to do anything about it.

For the past month, I wasn't at liberty to say anything but I've got good news in that area! A dear friend has been working with me, back and forth, quietly, on the details. She is going to pass along their 5 year old hybrid! I didn't want to speak too soon in case of a change in plans...

Anyhow, this other car will be dropped off next weekend, if all goes as intended.

I spoke casually with my guy about the Saturn and he is sure he can sell it for me. I'll go see him again on Monday and talk about how to do it. 

So, for a couple of weeks, I'll probably have both out there until the Saturn finally goes...I'll do that as soon as we can manage it because I sure as heck can't do 2 insurances.

This one should hold me through the next few years until I end up no longer driving, as we all do one day.

I still can’t believe it; I'm still in shock - it took a while to work out the details.

You’ve all been there with me through every repair along the way, so I wanted to give you some good news for a change.

Hugs and prayers.

Rolling along...

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