Sunday, January 14, 2018

Ice Cream on My Lap, Couch, Floor!

Ok, we knew the water in our Park would shut down between Noon and 5 today so I began early. 

Got some laundry done and some food prep. Got all the dishes, etc., finished up. 

Just before Noon, I decided I’d jump in the car and go pick up 2 days’ mail. Car wouldn’t start. Called my guy. Getting it towed in early tomorrow morning. Hoping it is the alternator and will be fixed long before Noon so I have time to go home and relax before heading to first visit with oncologist around 3.

Along the way, a friend had given me two nice squares of blackberry cobbler. I told myself all day that this evening, I have 2 tablespoons of the French Vanilla ice cream from the freezer on top of a piece tonight.

Along the way, I also filled in the 17 pages of paperwork for tomorrow’s oncology visit.

By the time the water came back on, I really wanted that cobbler/ice-cream treat. When I got out the ice cream, instead of 2 tablespoons, I plopped 2 small “scoops” on top. I knew I didn’t really need all of that - I took it to the couch and got ready to watch a little more TV before bed. I bumped the dish and got cobbler and ice cream on my couch, floor and lap.

Found and grabbed the 409 and did the deed on the couch cushion and floor.

Took my pop-on polyester wash & wear lounge dress into the kitchen and rinsed it several times in the one side of my double sink.

Thing is, I didn’t think I was tired. I do know I shouldn’t have put that much ice cream out for me to eat. If the Big Guy was trying to tell me something, I’ve got no problem with that but methinks it would go easier on me if he were a little more gentle in his smacks upside my head.

I think I’ll turn in early tonight....

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