Friday, December 1, 2017

New-Old Problem with Car Just Now

Busy few days but I thought I had it all under control even with lots of running around, trying to tie up loose ends before both upcoming surgeries.

This morning, charity crafting. After that, I was in and out of the house, bringing in almost 2 dozen scarves one of our team just finished and packing a bag of yarn for her next batch. When I dropped that off to her, the car had been idling for a short while and when I got back in and drove home, just here in the Park, it was shuddering a little and the Service Engine Soon light was on.

We thought we had just taken care of that that a month ago with the spark plug replacement. I called my guy just now. I’ll go in tomorrow right after I finish walking/delivering to about 50 homes very early in the morning. I will be tired and I had stuff I needed to do tomorrow but that light is important.

It can signal so very many different issues and they need to check with their diagnostic thingie.
That means I can’t do the overnight crock pot thing I planned tonight because I have no clue how late it will be when I get back from the mechanic. I’ll have to put everything in the fridge and try again tomorrow night.

Not to mention costs involved - no clue what we’re facing. I’m a little tired at this point - lots of days with lots of running around with lots of tests and now this. Oh, well, It is what it is. Deep breath.

Father in heaven, you know what I need. Plain and simple. I’m too tired to get wordy on this. Sorry. I trust in you.

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