Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Challenging Day But Fridge Might be Fixed

Ok, my fridge went out on me. I suspected it yesterday but this morning I was sure. the top freezer was fine but the fridge compartment was warmer than it should be.

I had to take the time to print our monthly newsletter late morning. That’s time consuming because the laser output tray for the dedicated printer only puts out so much and then the copies removed, hit print, and do it again. And again. And again. So, every 10 minutes so, I get up and walk back and do the thing, refill the paper tray if needed, and repeat until done.

Along the way, I went to the store and picked up a few 10# bags of ice. Came home, lugged the bags of ice into the house. Went back outside and brought in the coolers from the shed. Took the ice bags from one room to the room with the space for the coolers. Emptied the food into coolers.

My fear was that I’d need a new fridge. I decided before a tech or salesperson had a chance to talk me into one, I’d check one more thing. Called a friend’s house. The guys in that house all worked in appliance repair and electrical repair. The one son was home. He came over with a visiting brother. I figured at least I’d enter a store with some info.

Turned out the boys fixed it. We think. We hope. They even drove over to the shop where their pop works and picked up the parts - a fan motor and something else...

The back and forth and unscrewing and then defrosting the ice buildup in a place where that shouldn’t happen, all took a few hours. In the end, it was far less than what it would have cost for a commercial technician or to buy a new one, no matter how cheap.

But by 6, all was done, and the fridge is trying to get back up to the right temperature.

I managed enough energy to put most of the stuff back inside. I’ll do the rest in the morning.

I had to dump a few bags of ice. My sink is full of ice.

For now, I’m counting my blessings. Newsletter is printed (stapling tomorrow, delivering my route Saturday and Sunday mornings), fridge is hopefully fixed, most of the food is back in the fridge, ice is melting in the sink, and I am looking forward to happily climbing into bed very soon.

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