Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Both Surgeries Scheduled, Almost

While I was at the one surgeon’s office, the other called to schedule but had to leave a message.

The basal cell carcinoma will be done Jan. 4, at his office, with a local, and he’ll use stitches that require the least amount of care and/or effort. There will be a two-week follow-up to make sure he got everything.

The lumpectomy/lymph-biopsy will be this coming Monday, outpatient, at a hospital, under anesthesia. A friend in here who had the same thing done in April, and doesn’t mind this particular drive, will take me and wait and bring me home. It could be hours and when I mentioned that, she simply said she would just bring two books instead of one. I left a message just now so they’ll get it first thing when they get in tomorrow, that the date is fine. They’ll call me back tomorrow with particulars.

I mentioned that I’d be out for an hour or so, though, tomorrow, for the podiatrist visit. Aside from that, it’s a Go.

I think I’ll hit the two food pantries on Thursday. I will be tired by Friday afternoon, but Saturday and Sunday, I can rest for Monday’s fun and games. Oh, I might have to have that coil done on the car - will try to do that Saturday.

And away we goooooo!

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