Thursday, November 16, 2017

Trying to Fit To-Do’s in Sensibly Over Coming Month or So

Normal daily events and to-do’s are tricky to weave into the upcoming medical events and procedures. I’m not even as concerned about the pain as I am about trying to fit things in. I must look at everything I’d need to buy/get in the house over the next month and pick the heaviest things and get them in this weekend. From Monday morning’s needle biopsy forward, I will have various lift/carry limits and various wound care needs.

We never consider the weight of a bag of litter or a grocery bag with both a large bottle of mouthwash, a can of coffee, and veggies and fruit. Produce, folks, is heavy, but I’ve never needed to worry about that angle of daily life.

Anyhow, I’m squeezing in 2 food pantries today and a farmer’s market on Saturday because there’s no way I can fit them in after Monday morning - it will be close to mid-December before I am eligible for them again and even then, depending on which surgeries I’ve had around that time, I might not be able to carry them into the house.

I must do as much laundry as I can this weekend and I must pack between 5 and 7 huge bags of handmade items for charity crafting distribution for the local homeless. I have no clue when these will be picked up but I will have weight limits after some upcoming procedures from Monday forward. I’ll just spend Sunday packing and documenting and labeling them all and lugging them out onto the back of the driveway and hope I can get them from there to the car when I’m advised of the pickup date/time.

Also this weekend, I need to buy a few reams of paper for the newsletter to hold me until January, again, because it is heavy. And I need to think about my normally casual attitude toward my 3-gallon-jugs of water which I refill during the month.

Mostly, I’m afraid I’ll forget something and regret forgetting it. I’m trying to relax and let my faith guide’s the only way I’ll manage to get it all done simply and easily and I know that can be done - all in good time...

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