Friday, November 24, 2017

Playing Life’s Game

I have often said that when things get tough, I try to make a game out of what’s happening. I find the easiest paths, the best outlooks, whatever I can do to make it less stressful. I’ve been trying to do that with this series of tests, appointments and upcoming procedures.

I do think I need to make a chart, also, for everything. A calendar page won’t do it. I need columns. Perhaps one that says Book a Ride and one that says Ride Booked. I need to put both the appointment time and the ride pickup time. And of course, I need the rest of the info: who, what, where, and when. The Rides columns will cover the how’s...That should do it. Maybe this weekend.

The MRI is scheduled. I called them today. That one is for the afternoon of Dec. 6th, and that morning, I’ll also be at the podiatrist for my quarterly visit. I can’t change the podiatrist or I’ll need to wait quite a while for another - they are always booked way in advance.

This morning, our Office was closed but not the Clubhouse, so I went for the Charity Crafters. Started another homeless scarf.

Tomorrow morning is the blood test. I had hoped to get a haircut before the two surgeries: breast lumpectomy and basal cell carcinoma but I’m not sure whether I can do that tomorrow.

Bills are all paid for the month, thank heaven and heaven’s help. And I have enough to pay for the rest of the month’s wound care supplies.

So, tonight, at least, nothing new and difficult appeared on the horizon or on the list...that’s good.

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