Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Octopus Cat Toy Orders - Starting Them This Weekend

Last Christmas season, I played with a “jellyfish cat toy” crochet pattern. I used cotton worsted because I feel cotton is better around pets and babies in case they suck on it. Anyhow, it is really cute. Must post a photo of the one Silkie loves, this week. I made 2 others for a friend with 2 cats.

She wants 5 by Thanksgiving. She’ll ship 4 abroad and 1 is for her sis who saw the ones I made.

I found some great variegated balls of Sugar and Cream on sale at Michael’s early this week, so I’ll start these, and probably finish them, this weekend. We had a time agreeing on the stuffing. I like pom-poms or batting because they are soft and they help the shape. My friend would like styrofoam balls because she felt the cats couldn’t pull those out. But we both agreed the styrofoam could break apart and be ingested later. We compromised on the pom-poms (I buy a bag full of them) or even batting, so long as I toss the catnip in at the end, and then sew the hole completely shut.

I love how these turn out so I can’t wait to do them and then show you all one or two...

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