Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Thank You, Father, for the Memories

For some odd reason, today had me thinking back to years ago, to friends I’ve known and loved and memories in general. I’ve been blessed with some very dear friends along my life’s path. Wonder of wonders, I keep being blessed with more and more such friends.

Friends come in all sorts of varieties.

- There are the ones we are physically and geographically close to, easy to meet with, to visit. These include those we’ve known in our school days.

- There are the ones we’ve met on jobs and immediately connected with and socialized with after hours.

- There are the ones we’ve never met in person but have known “from a distance.” These are the friends I’ve made through the years online, since the 1980s.

- There are those who I’ve worked with, lost track of, and then reconnected with.

- There are the current friends in the communities in which I’ve lived.

So many friends.

I never thought, in my teens, that I’d be able to look back, at 78, and see so many friends. I truly hope they each enjoyed some little part of me, too, along the way.

Father, simply, thank you!

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