Monday, October 9, 2017

Dizzy Spell During Night - Woo Hoo

Got up around midnight for restroom trip and woo hoo - dizzy spell. Made it carefully there and back. Along the way, because it’s always possible it’s blood pressure, I stopped at fridge and sipped some smoothie (plain yogurt, beets and cucumber). The beets and yogurt help regulate blood pressure naturally. When I got up later, still some very slight lightheadedness but nothing more than my occasional bouts with that all my life.

Must make it to 2 stores this morning for whatever I might need this weekend (tissues, cat supplies, etc.), get a badly needed haircut, and do some things inside. Will be careful to take it easy along the way. Too busy a week and weekend to mess it up by carelessness.

Most likely I just got up too fast and my 78 year old bod didn’t like that, or blood pressure spiked or dropped. I’ve also had some stressful situations the past two weeks where I had to think fast, act fact, dig into things, do newsletter and deliver it, and immediately start moving stuff around to find stuff for yard sale.

No matter - just a warning to take it slower and try, as always, to stay at peace. I’ve got a lot on my plate. Need to rearrange back patio area so that everything there now is against back and I can begin bringing stuff from house and shed and stage it there for the sale. Wednesday, friends are coming from 60 miles away to drop off 300 caps for the homeless and some wonderful the tortoise and the hare, slow and steady gets me there...

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