Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Prayers Needed, on Two Issues, Please?

Ok it’s been a while since I needed personal prayers, but I need them, folks, big time, both financially and medically.

Medically, I’m in reasonably good health at the moment. It is now time to face something I have been stalling on - some possible melanomas on my back. I made it to my routine doctor visit today, and explained it, and got the referral for the dermatologist. That’s the one who will examine and biopsy, if need be, and so on. The thing is, I couldn’t do this sooner because for almost a year, I was dealing with that water rationing. If they had done surgery and I needed to clean wounds, etc., I was up against a wall. Now is the time. I will do this.

So, prayers, please, that perhaps I am not as bad off as I think I am. Wouldn’t it be amazing, too, if they weren’t even melanomas? Anyhow, not my will, but His, be done. I just need prayers for good medical staff and opinions along the way. It will be at least a week before I can call for an appointment. And then, a while longer, waiting for that appointment to take place. All in its own time.

Financially, while waiting outside the doctor’s office, this morning, around 7am, just before they opened up, my car was the only one in the parking lot. The front end looked very low compared with the back end. I began to worry. The Security Guard opened the facility up and saw me looking over at it, and he remarked the same thing. 

I need that puppy for my upcoming medical issues, among other things. After the Dr., I drove right over to my guy’s shop. We are possibly facing front struts - that, my friends, is just a few bucks less than $700. I’m waiting to hear from him later this afternoon as to when to bring it back in for a better look and decisions. That thing almost has its nose on the ground. Going up any driveway entrance to a store parking lot could have me ripping off my radiator at the bottom, in the current state.

Now, it is possible it is something a little less. That would be great, but no front end suspension issue just a few bucks, so I'm trying to be prepared.

So, prayers, please, that he will be able to look at it first thing tomorrow morning, and that I can figure out how to pay for anything that is wrong, because there is no doubt that something is wrong.

Sweet Lord Jesus, you said that we should go to the Father through you. I am doing that now. You understand human issues. You had friends with illnesses. You and your father Joseph must have dealt with financial matters in the carpentry business. I trust in your compassion and your mercy. I leave this in your hands. I trust in you. 


Sherry Stoll Living said...

May God meet all of your needs and bring you healing in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Evelyn Mayfield said...

Thank you - and may God bless you and yours for caring enough about someone you do not know, enough to send up that prayer. Hugs.

Melissa H. said...

I'm praying for you and your car. I love you bunches and think of you often.
Hugs and Smiles

Evelyn Mayfield said...

Thanks, Melissa, as always. Car is great! Next is those possible melanomas - that will take a while - need appointment, and so on...