Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Cats and Routines

 So funny - you can train a dog by doing something over and over with them. But a cat trains you, from the first time they see you repeat something they recognize ... take Trash Day...

From the 2nd time Silkie watched me gather a few little 
Smiths/Wally grocery bags, go through the rooms and empty the smaller trash containers in each room, replace the little bags, and put the full ones in the kitchen trash bucket, then take that big bag out, tie it off, and replace that bag, she already knew I was headed outside with the stuffed kitchen bag ... she sits waiting at the back door... yep, she trained me well (sigh)...

The one thing she has a hard time teaching me is the difference in one particular "meow." I have not yet figured out whether she wants me to go into the kitchen and toss a few kibbles onto her plate, or whether she wants me to sit on the special chair and make a lap for her to sit on...

Guaranteed that if I head to the kitchen, she stays sitting by the chair, making me feel stupid, and if I sit on the chair first, I swear she "sighs" heavily at the stupidity of humans and marches into the kitchen hoping she is wrong and some kibbles are in her plate - of course, I immediately sit up, go into the kitchen and feed her...

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