Sunday, December 11, 2016

Thoughts about Facebook Shared Posts

When I signed on this evening, I had planned to change my Facebook notification settings. I have several friends who are no longer in town or cyber friends, and I depend on seeing every one of their posts so I know how they are doing.

However, right now, time is getting away from me and my friends are having a wild time “sharing” a lot of posts. When I open my email, I see sometimes up to 50 emails that are just that – friends sharing other folks’ posts.

Right now, until year end at least, there is no way I can read all of them. So I had planned to turn off the Notifications.

Then I re-thought that action. See, if I miss seeing something important, I would feel just awful. And it is very easy to just delete the posts I do not have time to read. I just scroll down, selecting the ones that are not personal posts, and deleting them. Just a moment or two to delete. That’s much better than my missing something important.

Meanwhile, when I do have time, I enjoy seeing those shared posts. Some are downright cute, others very punny, and still others very informative and creative.

I feel better now – not too hard a decision.

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