Many of you know I am currently water-rationing while trying
to find funds for a complete re-piping of the plumbing of my 40-year-old mobile
home. Repairs are no longer possible. For me, the amount seems impossible, but
I have been amazed many times in the past at how mysteriously and wondrously
the Lord works.
For now, I've been blessed with the installation of an
inside shut-off-valve. Because the length of time the water should wisely run is
important, that valve helps a lot. If I had to go all the way out of the house,
down the back drive, shut it off, limp all the way back and up the stairs and
do what I need to do during that water-session, then back out again, I'd be
wasting a good 5 or 10 more minutes of that water coming out and under the
house. That would make each session last from 10 to 20 minutes longer each
I've been trying to keep those sessions down to no more than
4 times a day, and no more than 5 to 7 minutes, total, each time.
The point is that I might use the word "worry"
when I'm explaining this to someone. Technically, I am not worrying to any
extent - I'm facing the situation and keeping the concerns as much under
control as possible given the circumstances.
Today, for example, once again I turned it on, did the
dishes, filled some ice trays, rinsed some produce, filled a bottle or two of
water for other needs - the things I normally do at that time. Half an hour
later, I realized I had not turned it off. The first week I was doing this, the
same thing happened but for a much longer time - three hours. Considering my
age, my Senior Moments, and other issues, I'm not doing badly.
So, when is worry "worry" and when is it
"sensible preparation or prevention"? I'm not entirely sure, but I do
think I'm not quite into heavy worry yet. That's a good thing. Worry, real
worry, can block us from seeing solutions that are right in front of our eyes.
One of my quickest and easiest guidelines for those moments
is the familiar Serenity Prayer. If you have not ever heard of it, search
online. For the rest of you, you know exactly what I mean.
Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you so much for always being with
me. Thank you for all the times you encourage me to recall that prayer, to
change what I can, to accept what I cannot, and for the wisdom to know the
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