I've learned to take those moments and treasure them.
Happiness, I've found, is not eternal (at least not here on earth) and it's not
consistent. The moments come and go.
Today, for example, in between doing some minor household
chores, I snuggled for half an hour on the couch, a small crocheted afghan on
me, and I allowed myself to thoroughly enjoy the happiness that spread
throughout my being while I watched a Blue Bloods re-run.
Part way during the day, I remembered I had a container of
generic mint chocolate chip ice cream in the fridge freezer. I took it out and
scraped a teaspoon, twice, along the smoothness. And I allowed myself to smile
and make good-food noises while it melted in my mouth.
Sometimes I feel that "other shoe" anticipation
when the happy moments pop up in the midst of sadder times. That's when we tend
to feel guilty because we think we shouldn't be happy in the midst of tragedy
or troubles or such. But that isn't so. I believe God gives us those breaks,
the little silver linings, to show us that there is always hope, always a moment or two to savor.
The trick is to do exactly that - savor them.
Thank you, Father, for the little delights you send our way.
Thank you for the silver linings and the rainbows and the roses and the mint
chocolate chip taste in our mouths. How does that little children's mealtime rhyme
go? "Thank you for the world so sweet. Thank you for the food we eat.
Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you God for everything."
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