Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I Love AutoPilot at Home

Well, it's 7 a.m. as I'm writing this and I have a few things on autopilot. Now I can relax, wait for my coffee to perk, fix my cereal and fruit, and catch up on overnight tv news.

I got up at 6 and turned on the PC. Switched the USB from inkjet to laser printer. Loaded our monthly newsletter (April edition), and the paper tray, set the number of copies, and hit Print. It will take between 10 and 15 minutes for each batch. It's low output, a little desktop model, so this goes on for a few hours, but low maintenance.

I also loaded up the crockpot. Yanked a very meaty ham bone from the freezer yesterday and plopped that in, already defrosted overnight in the fridge. Plopped two 2-lb containers from the upright freezer of pre-soaked beans in there, too. These were a mix of pinto beans and navy beans. Tossed in a can of Rotel and a can of petite diced tomatoes. For good measure and to sweeten the pot, I sliced (on the manoline) 3 long, fat carrots. 

That went onto autopilot, too. It will get nice and tasty in 10 hours and tonight, I'll put it into containers. The ham will fall apart from the bone and be easy to add to each container. Tomorrow, I'll label them and plop them into the freezer.

Tossed the one bag of trash out onto the curb.

Put my small (4 cup) percolator on the back burner on the gas stove, turned it on, and am waiting for that great smell.

Kitty walked around supervising my actions and smelling around the driveway. She ate, meowed at me, was annoyed when I didn't immediately go to the lift chair, lift my legs, and invite her onto my lap. Disgruntled, she marched into the bedroom and jumped onto the top end of the bed where there is still some "me" left from the night.

I'd better go close the back door, too, since she's in for the morning. Don't want any unwelcome visitors, no matter how many legs they have.

So, for now, everything is talking care of itself. I will feel like I accomplished something today when, in reality, I set everything in motion and allowed it to take care of itself. After breakfast, I'll just occasionally hit Print on the newsletters, or reload the paper tray. And I'll work on some charity crafting baby jackets. 

Tomorrow, except for stapling the newsletters, I hope to put together that Barbie/Ken canoe I crocheted. The parts have been done but I only just found the right size dowel for inside the oar for the canoe. Can't wait for that to be done and take a photo and pass it along to my friend.

For now, this is me, signing off and hungry as all get out...

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