Monday, March 14, 2016

Crocheted Canoe for Ken/Barbie

I've been stalling and procrastinating on a project for a friend out of state. I've promised to crochet a canoe for fashion dolls. I promised months ago. I finally got going today on it.

Now, I've tried to start it at least 3 times before and I always got stuck on the instructions after the first few rows. The pattern decreases in an odd sort of way. Today, however, it went smoothly.

The canoe form itself is made in 4 pieces, using double strands. 
You do four pieces, then crochet two together, twice, then sew those two together down the sides and across the bottom. I'll join the two double-pieces tomorrow. I still have to make the seats and the paddle. I think it will be cute. I'll try to remember to post a photo when it's done.

The thing this has taught me is not to give up on a pattern if I want to finish the project. And I do want to finish this one.

I'm glad I tried once more. I think I was in too big of a hurry before and I didn't take time to read it carefully because today it was so easy. Go figure.

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