Thursday, January 14, 2016

My New Year Prayer for You

I can't believe the first month of the new year is almost half-over already. I had planned quite a few posts and wanted them done by now. 

Well, since I try to live my life by "keeping on keeping on," I'm not going to let my procrastination, distraction, and lack of direction keep me from "keeping on."

That said, I'll do those posts as I get to them.

But before that, I had planned to post the New Year in with many prayers and hopes and dreams for a blessed year for all of you, and for all those you hold dear. There are so many of you and so many needs ... 

By a "blessed year," I do not mean all your problems solved. Life doesn't work that way, and we were never promised that it would be.

But I do mean that I pray that you have the strength to deal with the things that come your way. I pray that you are able to keep calm and serene and at peace, enough, in your hearts, to be able to find at least one thing each night to be grateful for. 

I am happily blessed in that way. I am so happy to be able, each night, to be thankful for not just one thing, but many things. I find that the little things I'm grateful for are far more rewarding than the big things I hope for.

When health or finances are an issue, I know it is very hard to find something to be grateful for. But I have noticed that I am better off by not trying to find something blessed in my day that connects to my worries. I pull away from those worries when I am doing my "gratitude" prayer at the end of each day. That way I can be thankful for something I ate that I especially enjoyed (not everyone has something to eat each day), or for the feeling of my very own mattress on my very own bed (not everyone has a bed!), or for being able to get down on the floor and brush the cat each night (not everyone can get down on that floor!)...

Father, please bless them all, in all the ways they need, and open their hearts to the little things you give us each day to lift our spirits. I pray that every person you have placed on my life's path can find something each night to be thankful for.

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