Sunday, October 11, 2015

Strange Day

Such a strange day. It is one I am happy to see close down. We had a water shut down in our section of our mobile home park. When it went off around 10:30 this morning, my water heater shuddered and made noises that were severe enough and loud enough and sudden enough to frighten my Silkie who was napping in the back bathroom on the other side of the water heater closet wall. 

I called someone I know in here to check it for me but he's out of town for a few weeks. His son, however, is as capable as he is and I connected with him. However, it took hours before I really relaxed on this issue. 
Unfortunately, he didn't have a lot of free time today and had to fit the look-see in for me. 
We still don't know why it all happened. When the water came back on, there were no loud noises so I'm crossing fingers, toes and eyes, and sayin' lots of prayers tonight. 

The heater was very hot to the touch. When the water came back on, I turned on both hot and cold. The hot was very very hot. We suspect that now, since I don't use a lot of hot water, maybe I should run that tap now and then, even when I don't need to, to release it. I can always fit in one hot water load of laundry a week - I take very short showers and I use very little hot water. 

There is still that leaky roof issue to be resolved this coming week, also, before the next expected rain around Thursday or Friday. 

Father, thank you for being there during my worrisome hours today. Thanks for looking after me and the home you led us to almost 15 years ago. You have always helped us maintain its structural integrity and in turn, I have tried to heed your alerts. Please be patient with this rather thick-headed human when I don't quite get what you want me to do. I'll keep trying to do better.

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