Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Doctors in Our Lives

This weekend, I heard two different accounts of patient-doctor relationships and I’ve been thinking a lot tonight about that relationship.

In one case, one of my neighbors, unknown to me until now, is slowly dying from cancer. It is definite. Instead of pressuring this person to adhere to dietary guidelines and other restrictions, both the family and the doctor have agreed that the patient’s final quality of life was the most important issue. They encourage this person to enjoy the final days instead of worrying about eating this and that. I like that doctor!

In another case, a friend debated moving out of state but decided against it. Expenses would most definitely be less with the move. However, this friend has a doctor who is trusted and who makes a great deal of difference in the friend’s quality of life. To move would mean this friend would need to travel hundreds of miles to see this much-preferred doctor.

How wonderful it is to find a doctor we can trust and who we can work with and who works with us. 
Doctors, lawyers, accountants - the right one makes a big difference in our stress levels.

Father, please bless us with the best professionals for our needs on this journey through life here on earth. We trust you to guide us to the right person at the right time. 

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