Monday, September 16, 2013

Update on Our Air Conditioning Woes - Good News

Sharing some good news, some funny news, and some updates. I won't be online long tonight. It's 96 back in this bedroom. 

The good news is that they are coming tomorrow to fix the air conditioning.

The update is this - It has now been 10 nights without it. We did have one good day. The weather was actually cool for two days but it took 24 hours to cool down in here. Some of my neighbors think I am exaggerating. But they don't realize our mobile home is older - a '78. It does not have an insulated shingle roof. It has one of those old metal roofs that you must coat every few years. We were supposed to coat it again three years ago but didn't have the money.

Anyhow, between 2 pm and 2 am, it has been 95+ the past two days. That doesn't count all the other days before that when it was always at least 92 inside.

Our poor kitty isn't even eating her treats today - I think she is near her limit so I am very happy that the agency approved the repair and it is set for tomorrow.

The funny news is that just before the AC went out Friday the 6th, I was planning to begin training the cat to be held. She apparently spent her first 18 months of life without human cuddling of that sort. I need her to be comfy in my arms for at least 10 full minutes so I can get her claws trimmed, and soon. However, since the AC went out, she has been shedding a lot. If I held her now, I'd look like a trailer ad for a movie about senior female werewolves!

Also, last night, I couldn't find a dry spot on my pillow after a while. Tonight, I'll put another pillow nearby, to change them out when needed. This reminds me of my first 21 years back in the HHH (hazy, hot and humid) days when I lived in Philly.
I have almost reached my personal limit. At 74, I am not as resilient as I once was. I am very grateful that this little bump in life's road is ready to be smoothed over.      

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