Sunday, September 15, 2013

Free Prayer Sunday - Help for a Loved One

There have been so many times, with so many friends and loved ones, when I was excessively worried about something in their lives and felt helpless to do anything about it.  This prayer enables me to feel that at least I am trying to do something.  Instead of the word “them,” I often substitute the person’s name.

I'm marching through my self-published Busy Person's Prayer Book, front to back. This one is from the second category in my book, Helping Others. We just posted the first prayer in that category, When Someone is Late, last week.

Help for a Loved One
Heavenly Father up above
Please hear my plea for one I love
I place them in your loving care
Please help me now, please hear my prayer.

Please do not pass it around without giving credit to the author (me) and where it was published - a line like this will do: by Evelyn Mayfield, in the Busy Person's Prayer Book.

The other prayers in this category, Helping Others, that will be appearing the next few Sundays, are as follows:
Helping the Needy – Directly
Helping the Needy – Indirectly
The Homeless
Caregiver’s Prayer
Patience with the Young and Old
Handcrafter’s Prayer
Concern About a Pet
When I’ve Promised to Pray for Someone
For the Terminally Ill
Earlier, we posted 4 prayers for those at work: For a Job, when facing a Pending Layoff, Giving My All at Work, and Anxiety over a New Venture. Just click on the Free Prayer link at the top of the page to see them all.  

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