Sunday, September 8, 2013

Free Prayer Sunday - Anxiety Over a New Venture

This little prayer works for any new project or job or venture - for when we are scared silly by something new that we are facing. I wrote this prayer at the request of a dear friend, Ruth, who was beginning her first eBook, a delightful collection of her verses. It works for any project or venture we begin, and guides us in asking help from the only One who knows what we need, each step of the way. I’ll be using it often, myself, as time goes on. 

I'm marching through my self-published Busy Person's Prayer Book, front to back. The first category in my book, because it was written when I was still working and all my prayers were written for my own needs, is Work. 

I meant to post this last Sunday but life got in the way. This week, there will be two posts. If you missed the other 3 posts in the Jobs category, see the links below.

Anxiety Over New Venture
Father, I’m starting a project new to me
I’m worried about doing it right
Guide each step I take on this journey
And turn my fright into delight.

Please do not pass it around without giving credit to the author (me) and where it was published - a line like this will do: by Evelyn Mayfield, in the Busy Person's Prayer Book.

Here are the links to the other 3 prayers in the Work category:
For a Job (to find a job)
Giving MyAll at Work (sometimes it's hard to be a good employee when we are worried, or we hate our jobs, or for any of a number of reasons)
PendingLayoff (many times, I have faced this situation)
The next prayers in this series will focus Helping Others.

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