Monday, August 19, 2013

Free Prayer Sunday (1 day late) - Pending Layoff

Last week, I promised to begin a regular Sunday post: Free Prayer Sunday. I'm marching through my self-published Busy Person's Prayer Book, front to back. The first category in my book, because it was written when I was still working and all my prayers were written for my own needs, is Work. Last week I posted a prayer for those looking for a job. Yesterday, I meant to post this one. It's one day late.  It's for anyone facing a pending layoff.

Layoffs were something I faced often in my working life.  My loved ones have, also.  During one such time, while a friend fretted about it, I wrote this little prayer, to help.  It is easy to substitute your friend or relative’s name within this prayer.

Please do not pass it around without giving credit to the author (me) and where it was published - a line like this will do: by Evelyn Mayfield, in the Busy Person's Prayer Book.

Pending Layoff
Father, my current job ends soon
And I could face financial ruin
Please guide my steps so I may see
The plan you have in mind for me.

The next two prayers in this category, Work, are for Giving My All at Work and Anxiety Over a New Venture, coming over the next two Sundays.

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