Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Prayers, Big Time, Please

Need urgent help over the next 24 hours - prayers needed, big time, my friends. I don't want to cry the blues on the public pages of the internet, just know that I am truly scared. My faith will hold me up, I hope - but sometimes I get frightened that perhaps my faith isn't enough...just pray for wisdom for me that I know which way to turn - those prayers alone will hold me up...hugs and prayers to all - Evie  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Heavenly LORD,
You love Evelyn and her family and she needs your help and direction right now! LORD, by faith in your Spirit that knows all things, and provides our needs, I ask that you help her with her sitation that needs immediate help! JESUS HELP! Thank you for your answer our precious LORD JESUS! You are our hope and our life! In Your Name of Jesus Christ our King! Amen