Sunday, August 25, 2013

Free Prayer Sunday - Giving My All at Work

   We often forget that, while our employer owes us our pay, we also owe something back to our employer.  This little prayer helped me stay focused on the job at hand, to keep my breaks within limits, and to keep personal use of company items to a minimum.

It also helped me focus on my job when life tried to interfere. Sometimes this was when I was worried about a loved one's illness, or about any of a million things which can distract a normal person while they are working.

A few weeks ago, I began this regular Sunday post: Free Prayer Sunday. I'm marching through my self-published Busy Person's Prayer Book, front to back. The first category in my book, because it was written when I was still working and all my prayers were written for my own needs, is Work. So far, I have posted a prayer for those looking for a job and for those facing a pending layoff.

Please do not pass these prayers around without giving credit to the author (me) and where it was published - a line like this will do: by Evelyn Mayfield, in the Busy Person's Prayer Book.

Giving My All at Work
At work, remind me, please, Oh Lord
To give my employer what is his due
To render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s
To you, what is due to you.

Next week, the final prayer in the Work category will be for those beginning a new venture - this includes anyone facing a new field or new training or a new job.

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