Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Buggy Bunny Baskets

Photo, Property of Oriental Trading Co.
I had a lot of fun making the little DIY projects in the photo here. They were very easy, using a box of 10 Little Debbie Cloud cakes, fat marshmallows, etc.

But the most fun I had was giving them out. One couple I gave one to, the hubby loves cars and racing, and his wife gave it to him. He sent me an email back tonight, thanking me for (are you ready for this?), his “Easter Buggy Bunny Basket” and he dared me to say it even one time fast. Well, I managed to say it once and messed up on the second try. These were posted on Oriental Trading Co. project pages. When you go to Oriental Trading Co. site, go to the bottom of the page, to Community/Trading Ideas, and you’ll find tons of craft-y stuff. I used their Contact Us form to send them a comment about his cute name for them. Oh, the instructions, photos, etc., are all copyrighted, so you may not sell them or otherwise abuse them.

The tutorial (instructions) for this project is at this link.

The tute calls them “race cars,” but buggy works just fine. And “basket” works for me because the driver’s seat holds a bunny and the steering wheel pretzel.

You still have time to make these for Sunday morning and trust me, they really are adorable. To make it easy to transport and give, I plopped each of them into a deli lunchmeat container. They didn’t squish much when I put the lids on, and I always have a ton of these – they multiply like, well, like bunnies!

Oh, and for the wheels, when I cut the marshmallows, the inside is rather sticky, so I didn’t bother attaching with icing – I just slapped the wheels against the car body and used a round toothpick as an axle.

My goodness, these were such fun.

1 comment:

Bawissa AKA Melissa said...

These look like so much fun! I might have to try them next year. I love your friend's name for them, but there is no way I could say it three times fast. Once would be difficult enough!