Thursday, July 26, 2012

Prayers, please?

Ok, we need a quick prayer for the next few days. We have coolant all over our driveway. We have been leaking for several days but now it is a massive puddle. From what we can see, it is either hoses or the overflow reservoir or both. We cannot get the funds for our fave mechanic until next Wednesday, but between now and then, we have one or two short trips we need to take with the car.

Tomorrow, for instance, I need to run to the bank drive-thru, early in the morning, to deposit enough to cover the bundled phone/tv/internet payment. I have the funds but I need to get them all in one place - the bank. It's not quite a mile and we hope that in the cool of the morning, we will be fine. Prayers would be helpful on this.

There will be one more trip needed to be made Sunday or Monday, to the grocery store, and again, it is only about a mile. If I do it early in the morning, again, we should be fine.

Mostly, we have been meeting our obligations just in time and are reasonably current with most. We have even paid off two small bills. So we can postpone anything between now and next Wednesday except these two trips.

So, we would appreciate prayers that our timing and God's timing are in sync. And we would also appreciate no additional car trips are needed until next Wednesday.

Lord God, please help us with this latest wrinkle in our lives. It is not a disaster but it could be troublesome if we do not do things in the proper order. Guide us, please, and fill us with the knowledge of each step along the way and when we must take it.

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